Hi, I got this 5 cm diameter disks from a friend. |
I do not know where, when or even if they have been distributed, but since they are written in French I think they have been intended for the french market.
They represent sea animals from the coral reef; the series is called "La barriere corallienne" and consists of 30 subjects.
Unfortunately I do not have all the subjects, but only the following:
1 - Tortue de mer
5 - Poulpe
6 - Poisson Papillon
8 - Raie
9 - Poisson Chirurgien
11 - Liopropoma
12 - Longirostris
13 - Poisson Baliste
14 - Poisson Scorpion
15 - Cephalopholis
16 - Faux Clown
17 - Poisson Ange
18 - Dragonet
19 - Etoile de Mer
20 - Murene
21 - Poisson A Lèvres Douces
22 - Poisson Lapin
23 - Poisson Perroquet
24 - Poisson Mandarin
25 - Poisson Ecureuil
26 - Homard
27 - Crabe
28 - Girelle
29 - Poisson Coffre
30 - Poisson Lune
Click here to see a picture of the front side.
And since they have different back sides, you can see them by clicking here.
As you can see, many of them are not well centered.